Friday, March 16, 2007


Attainment1= I understand the work that’s being done at the moment quite well. The slasher genre is interesting and i have made useful points which i can share in the class.

this is because I put as much effort I could into the subject. For example, for my blog work I have put a lot of effort in to it as I enjoy this area. I also put a lot of effort into my homework and classwork and make sure i understand it before i leave the lesson.

my punctuality is good as I try and arrive to lessons on time and try and avoid being late. I also don’t take of much of school, only is if have a appointment, if I am ill, or i have a interview. otherwise I attend most lessons so I don’t miss out on my work.

Submission and quality of homework 1=
the homework I hand in had been good quality as I highlight all the sheets I receive and hand in homework all of the time. I always hand in the homework set that needs to be on the blog as I enjoy doing blog work.

Ability to work independently1=
I think I work well independently as this can be seen by looking at my blog research I have done independently so far for it.

Quality of writing 2/3=
the quality of my writing is not good however i am improving it slowly. I will know the quality of writing when we start doing more writing in lesson, such as for the school magazine.

Organisation of Media folder1=
I think my media folder is good because as soon I get sheets in lesson I put them in a folder so they don’t get lost. I also put my sheets in order of when I got them so they are in order and making it neater. I also bring all my sheets to lesson for both Med 4 and Med 6 so I could refer back to it and will have it with me when I need to have it for the lesson.

Oral contributions in class 2= I think that I need to contribute to lessons more when I no the answer however I do think I contribute more, or try to this year than last year, although it isn’t enough. I do contribute more in Med 4 lessons but not in Med 6.

Standard of module 5 blogs 1= the standard of my module 5 blog is very good as I have kept up with all my homework as is good quality with a lot of detail. I have also done a lot of self directed research which will help me with my independent study. I have also tried to make it attractive my adding colour and have a lot of pictures on my blog. I keep looking ofr research o improve on my independent study.
Standard of Module 6 blog 1= This is because the work I have done is improving on the blog and in more detail. I also put more effort into it now. I also have added pictures and used a variety of fonts to make it look nice to look at.

List of three targets/areas for improvement:
To contribute more in Med 6 lessons
Put more effort in class Med 6 lessons
To maintain at the same level throughout
Intertextuality in Charlie’s Angels:

In order to understand the dynamics of Charlie’s Angels, audiences need to be familiar with some of the conventions from the detective genre. It is assumed in the film that the audience are familiar with the idea of ‘undercover agents’ and indeed are expecting the see the central characters in different disguises in order to gain access to information. It is also assumed that audiences anticipate the use of high tech gadgetry by the central characters (a tradition that harks back to James Bond). It is interesting to note that both the undercover costumes and gadgetry are used to make the job of a spy look exciting and appealing. In addition to these features Charlie’s Angels also uses the conventions of the car chase sequence and the detonation of a bomb at the end – both of which interestingly appeared in the Charlie’s Angels television series.

This leads us to ask what an action genre is and what are the expectations in terms of schematic devices, setting, characterisation and plot? In what ways does this conform and what are the deliberate alterations to the archetypal action film?

Finally, Charlie’s Angels makes direct reference to other blockbuster films; there are the Matrix inspired kung-fu fighting scenes and even a scene in which one of Charlie’s Angels is wearing a Harry Potter costume. A ploy that is both cheekily post-modern and also appeals to different ‘cult’ groups within a wide audience.

Postmodernism in Film (Charlie's Angels-full throttle

But, of course, postmodernism in film hit its high-water mark and began its decline with That Guy. You know who I'm talking about: Quentin Tarantino, the man who re-energized cinema with his intelligent and entertaining postmodern style, and the man whose influence has become so vast and misguided that the success or failure of postmodernism in film hangs in the balance. Am I being too drastic? Do you even care? I guess if you've read this far you do, or you're just really bored at work.A film like Pulp Fiction so shook the foundation of Hollywood that Tarantino became a cinematic example of Harold Bloom's "Anxiety of Influence", meaning that he's such a towering figure that later artists find it impossible to escape from his shadow. Most people think Pulp Fiction's influence began and ended with that slew of hip, neo-noir films like 2 Days in the Valley and other forgettable bullshit. No way. I wish it were so. Those were easy to spot because they're imitating Tarantino right down to the genre. But those aren't the dangerous ones because they're so obvious that they're innocuous. Think QT doesn't influence Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle? Think again.

To help understand this better, let's look at a textbook example mentioned earlier: Charlie's Angels 2. This is a film is the cinematic equivalent of Terry Schiavo: it cannot live on its own. Yeah, that was pretty bad, I guess. What I mean to say is that every scene in Charlie's Angels 2 is meant to refer to either another film, video or pop culture phenomenon. Its entrenchment in the fads of the past is almost autistic, but probably more like retarded. It's a revue-style pageant in which we watch four hot women try on a lot of different costumes and re-enact scenes from other movies that we all remember and enjoyed. Not to mention that, on top of all of this, it's a sequel to a film of a TV show.

While the first movie employed some of the same logic, it was done to much more success because it let the audience in on the joke, allowing it to act as reader and "author" in the postmodern sense of the word. While director McG is without a doubt far from being the coldest beer in the fridge, there was a sense of postmodern playfulness about Charlie's Angels that saved it from being a total waste of time. But after its success, the sequel became an ADD-fest that seemed to be made up of skits producer/star Drew Barrymore thought up in makeup that morning ("I just saw Raiders of the Lost Ark last night ... shoot it!"). Let me stress that I firmly believe this to be unconscious. Neither of these folks can spell postmodern, but the point is that this form of postmodernism has become part of the pop culture zeitgeist ... and its approaching entropy. This is the crisis point: a dozen texts stapled together and given a new name, or, worse (and more accurate): a postmodern text without a text.